The basic string implementation that is suitable for any character types.
template <typename _Char, typename _Alloc>
class Luna::BasicString
Static objects
A special value that usually represents the end of the string. The exact meaning of this value is content specific.
Member functions
Constructs one empty string.
BasicString(const allocator_type &alloc)
Constructs one empty string with an custom allocator.
BasicString(usize count, value_type ch, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Constructs one string using
copies of characterch
. -
BasicString(const BasicString &rhs, usize pos, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Constructs one string by coping characters in range from another string.
Constructs one string by coping characters from another string.
BasicString(const value_type *s, usize count, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Constructs one string by coping characters from the provided character array.
BasicString(const value_type *s, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Constructs one string by coping characters from the provided null-terminated C string. The length of the string is determined by the first null character.
BasicString(_InputIt first, _InputIt last, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Constructs one string by coping characters from string specified by the iterator range.
BasicString(const BasicString &rhs)
Constructs one string by coping data from another string.
BasicString(const BasicString &rhs, const allocator_type &alloc)
Constructs one string by coping data from another string.
BasicString(BasicString &&rhs)
Constructs one string by moving data from another string.
BasicString(BasicString &&rhs, const allocator_type &alloc)
Constructs one string by moving data from another string.
BasicString(InitializerList< value_type > ilist, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Constructs one string by coping characters from the initializer list.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc > & operator=(const BasicString &rhs)
Assigns the string by coping data from another string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc > & operator=(BasicString &&rhs)
Assigns the string by moving data from another string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc > & operator=(const value_type *s)
Assigns the string by coping characters from the provided null-terminated C string. The length of the string is determined by the first null character.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc > & operator=(value_type ch)
Assigns the string with the specified character. This operation behaves the same as
assign(1, ch)
. -
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc > & operator=(InitializerList< value_type > ilist)
Assigns the string by coping characters from the initializer list.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::pointer data()
Gets one pointer to the underlying character data.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_pointer data() const
Gets one constant pointer to the underlying character data.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_pointer c_str() const
Gets a non-modifiable C string pointer to the characters stored by this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::iterator begin()
Gets one iterator to the first character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::iterator end()
Gets one iterator to the one-past-last character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets one constnat iterator to the first character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_iterator end() const
Gets one constant iterator to the one-past-last character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_iterator cbegin() const
Gets one constnat iterator to the first character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_iterator cend() const
Gets one constant iterator to the one-past-last character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::reverse_iterator rbegin()
Gets one reverse iterator to the last character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::reverse_iterator rend()
Gets one reverse iterator to the one-before-first character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
Gets one constant reverse iterator to the last character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_reverse_iterator rend() const
Gets one constant reverse iterator to the one-before-first character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
Gets one constant reverse iterator to the last character of this string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_reverse_iterator crend() const
Gets one constant reverse iterator to the one-before-first character of this string.
Gets the size of the string, that is, the number of characters in the string, excluding the null terminator.
Gets the size of the string, that is, the number of characters in the string, excluding the null terminator.
Gets the capacity of the string, that is, the maximum number of characters that can be stored in this string without reallocating the string buffer.
Checks whether this string is empty, that is, the size of this string is
. -
Increases the capacity of the string to a value greater than or equal to
, so that it can hold at leastnew_cap
characters without reallocating the string buffer. -
void resize(usize n, value_type v)
Resizes the string.
Reduces the capacity of the string so that capacity == size.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::reference operator[](usize n)
Gets the character at the specified index.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_reference operator[](usize n) const
Gets the character at the specified index.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::reference at(usize n)
Gets the character at the specified index.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_reference at(usize n) const
Gets the character at the specified index.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::reference front()
Gets the first character of the string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_reference front() const
Gets the first character of the string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::reference back()
Gets the last character of the string.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::const_reference back() const
Gets the last character of the string.
Removes all characters from the string, but keeps the string buffer.
Pushes one character to the back of the string.
Removes the element from the back of the string.
void assign(usize count, value_type ch)
Assigns the string data by
copies ofch
. -
void assign(const BasicString &str)
Assigns the string data by coping characters from another string.
void assign(const BasicString &str, usize pos, usize count=npos)
Assigns the string data by coping characters from one subrange of another string.
void assign(BasicString &&str)
Assigns the string data by moving characters from another string.
void assign(const value_type *s, usize count)
Assigns the string data by coping characters from the provided character array.
void assign(const value_type *s)
Assigns the string data by coping characters from the provided null-terminated C string. The length of the string is determined by the first null character.
void assign(_InputIt first, _InputIt last)
Assigns the string data by coping characters from string specified by the iterator range.
void assign(InitializerList< value_type > ilist)
Assigns the string data by coping characters from the initializer list.
void insert(usize index, usize count, value_type ch)
copies of characters in the specified position. -
void insert(usize index, const value_type *s)
Inserts one null-terminated C string at the specified position.
void insert(usize index, const value_type *s, usize count)
Inserts one character array at the specified position.
void insert(usize index, const BasicString &str)
Inserts another string at the specified position.
void insert(usize index, const BasicString &str, usize index_str, usize count=npos)
Inserts one subrange of another string at the specified position.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::iterator insert(const_iterator pos, value_type ch)
Inserts one character at the specified position.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::iterator insert(const_iterator pos, usize count, value_type ch)
copies ofch
at the specified position. -
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::iterator insert(const_iterator pos, _InputIt first, _InputIt last)
Inserts characters from the iterator range at the specified position.
Inserts characters from the specified initializer list at the specified position.
void erase(usize index=0, usize count=npos)
characters from the specified position. -
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::iterator erase(const_iterator pos)
Removes one character.
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
Removes characters in the specified range.
Swaps characters of this string with the specified string.
void append(usize count, value_type ch)
copies of characterch
to the back of the string. -
void append(const BasicString &str)
Appends another string to the back of the string.
void append(const BasicString &str, usize pos, usize count=npos)
Appends one subrange of another string to the back of the string.
void append(const value_type *s, usize count)
Appends one character array to the back of the string.
void append(const value_type *s)
Appends one null-terminated C string to the back of the string.
void append(_InputIt first, _InputIt last)
Appends characters from the iterator range to the back of the string.
void append(InitializerList< value_type > ilist)
Appends characters from the specified initializer list to the back of the string.
i32 compare(const BasicString &rhs) const
Compares this string with the specified string.
i32 compare(usize pos1, usize count1, const BasicString &rhs) const
Compares [
,pos1 + count1
) substring of this string torhs
. -
i32 compare(usize pos1, usize count1, const BasicString &rhs, usize pos2, usize count2=npos) const
Compares a [
,pos1 + count1
) substring of this string to a substring [pos2
,pos2 + count2
) ofrhs
. -
i32 compare(const value_type *s) const
Compares this string to the null-terminated C string.
i32 compare(usize pos1, usize count1, const value_type *s) const
Compares [
,pos1 + count1
) substring of this string to the null-terminated C string. -
i32 compare(usize pos1, usize count1, const value_type *s, usize count2) const
Compares [
,pos1 + count1
) substring of this string to the characters in the range [s
,s + count2
). -
void replace(usize pos, usize count, const BasicString &str)
Replaces characters in range [
,pos + count
) with characters ofstr
. -
void replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, const BasicString &str)
Replaces characters in range [
) with characters ofstr
. -
void replace(usize pos, usize count, const BasicString &str, usize pos2, usize count2=npos)
Replaces characters in range [
,pos + count
) with a substring [pos2
,pos2 + count2
) ofstr
. -
void replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, _InputIt first2, _InputIt last2)
Replaces characters in range [
) with the characters in the range [first2
). -
void replace(usize pos, usize count, const value_type *cstr, usize count2)
Replaces characters in range [
,pos + count
) with a character array [cstr
,cstr + count2). @param[in] pos The index of the first character to replace. @param[in] count The number of characters to replace. If
pos + countis greater than
countwill be clamped to
this->size() - pos. @param[in] cstr The pointer to the character array to use for replacement. @param[in] count2 The number of characters in
cstrto use for replacement. @par Valid Usage *
posmust not be greater than
this->size()`. -
void replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, const value_type *cstr, usize count2)
Replaces characters in range [
) with a character array [cstr
,cstr + count2). @param[in] first The iterator to the first character to replace. @param[in] last The iterator to the one-past-last character to replace. @param[in] cstr The pointer to the character array to use for replacement. @param[in] count2 The number of characters in
cstrto use for replacement. @par Valid Usage.
void replace(usize pos, usize count, const value_type *cstr)
Replaces characters in range [
,pos + count
) with a null-terminated C string. -
void replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, const value_type *cstr)
Replaces characters in range [
) with a null-terminated C string. -
void replace(usize pos, usize count, usize count2, value_type ch)
Replaces characters in range [
,pos + count
) withcount2
copies of characterch
. -
void replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, usize count2, value_type ch)
Replaces characters in range [
) withcount2
copies of characterch
. -
void replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, InitializerList< value_type > ilist)
Replaces characters in range [
) with characters from the specified initializer list. -
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc > substr(usize pos=0, usize count=npos) const
Creates a substring of this string.
usize copy(value_type *dst, usize count, usize pos=0) const
Copies a substring [
,pos + count
) to character string pointed to bydst
. -
BasicString< _Char, _Alloc >::allocator_type get_allocator() const
Gets the allocator of the string.
usize find(const BasicString &str, usize pos=0) const
Finds the first occurrence of the specified character sequence in the string.
usize find(const value_type *s, usize pos, usize count) const
Finds the first occurrence of the specified character sequence in the string.
usize find(const value_type *s, usize pos=0) const
Finds the first occurrence of the specified character sequence in the string.
usize find(value_type ch, usize pos=0) const
Finds the first occurrence of the specified character in the string.
usize rfind(const BasicString &str, usize pos=npos) const
Finds the last occurrence of the specified character sequence in the string.
usize rfind(const value_type *s, usize pos, usize count) const
Finds the last occurrence of the specified character sequence in the string.
usize rfind(const value_type *s, usize pos=0) const
Finds the last occurrence of the specified character sequence in the string.
usize rfind(value_type ch, usize pos=npos) const
Finds the first occurrence of the specified character in the string.