A container that stores elements as double-linked lists (nodes connected by pointers).
template <typename _Ty, typename _Alloc>
class Luna::List
Member functions
Constructs an empty list.
List(const allocator_type &alloc)
Constructs an empty list with an custom allocator.
List(usize count, const_reference value, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Constructs a list with the specified number of elements.
List(usize count, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Constructs a list with the specified number of elements. Elements will be default-initialized.
Constructs a list with elements specified by one range. Elements in the range will be copy-inserted into the list.
Constructs a list by copying elements from another list.
List(const List &rhs, const allocator_type &alloc)
Constructs a list with an custom allocator and with elements copied from another list.
Constructs a list by moving elements from another list.
List(List &&rhs, const allocator_type &alloc)
Constructs a list with an custom allocator and with elements moved from another list.
List(InitializerList< value_type > ilist, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())
Constructs a list with elements specified by one initializer list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc > & operator=(const List &rhs)
Replaces elements of the list by coping elements from another list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc > & operator=(List &&rhs)
Replaces elements of the list by moving elements from another list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc > & operator=(InitializerList< value_type > ilist)
Replaces elements of the list by elements from one initializer list.
void assign(usize count, const value_type &value)
Replaces elements of the list by several copies of the specified value.
auto assign(_InputIt first, _InputIt last) -> enable_if_t<!is_integral_v< _InputIt >, void >
Replaces elements of the list by elements specified by one range. Elements in the range will be copy-inserted into the list.
void assign(InitializerList< value_type > ilist)
Replaces elements of the list by elements from one initializer list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::reference front()
Gets the first element in the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::const_reference front() const
Gets the first element in the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::reference back()
Gets the last element in the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::const_reference back() const
Gets the last element in the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::iterator begin()
Gets one iterator to the first element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::const_iterator begin() const
Gets one constant iterator to the first element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::const_iterator cbegin() const
Gets one constant iterator to the first element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::iterator end()
Gets one iterator to the one past last element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::const_iterator end() const
Gets one constant iterator to the one past last element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::const_iterator cend() const
Gets one constant iterator to the one past last element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::reverse_iterator rbegin()
Gets one reverse iterator to the last element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
Gets one constant reverse iterator to the last element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
Gets one constant reverse iterator to the last element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::reverse_iterator rend()
Gets one reverse iterator to the one-before-first element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::const_reverse_iterator rend() const
Gets one constant reverse iterator to the one-before-first element of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::const_reverse_iterator crend() const
Gets one constant reverse iterator to the one-before-first element of the list.
Checks whether this list is empty, that is, the size of this list is
. -
Gets the size of the list, that is, the number of elements in the list.
Removes all elements in the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::iterator insert(const_iterator pos, const value_type &value)
Inserts the specified element to the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::iterator insert(const_iterator pos, value_type &&value)
Inserts the specified element to the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::iterator insert(const_iterator pos, usize count, const value_type &value)
Inserts several copies of the element to the list.
Inserts one range of elements to the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::iterator insert(const_iterator pos, InitializerList< value_type > ilist)
Inserts one range of elements specified by the initializer list to the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::iterator emplace(const_iterator pos, _Args &&... args)
Constructs one element directly on the specified position of the list using the provided arguments.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::iterator erase(const_iterator pos)
Removes one element from the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
Removes one range of elements from the list.
void push_back(const value_type &value)
Inserts one element at the back of the list.
void push_back(value_type &&value)
Inserts one element at the back of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::reference emplace_back(_Args &&... args)
Constructs one element directly on the back of the list using the provided arguments.
Removes the last element of the list.
void push_front(const value_type &value)
Inserts one element at the front of the list.
void push_front(value_type &&value)
Inserts one element at the front of the list.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::reference emplace_front(_Args &&... args)
Constructs one element directly on the front of the list using the provided arguments.
Removes the first element of the list.
Changes the number of elements in the list.
void resize(usize count, const value_type &value)
Changes the number of elements in the list.
Swaps elements of this list with the specified list.
Merges another list into this list.
Merges another list into this list.
void merge(List &other, _Compare comp)
Merges another list into this list.
void merge(List &&other, _Compare comp)
Merges another list into this list.
void splice(const_iterator pos, List &other)
Transfers all elements from another list to this list.
void splice(const_iterator pos, List &&other)
Transfers all elements from another list to this list.
void splice(const_iterator pos, List &other, const_iterator it)
Transfers one element from another list to this list.
void splice(const_iterator pos, List &&other, const_iterator it)
Transfers one element from another list to this list.
void splice(const_iterator pos, List &other, const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
Transfers elements from another list to this list.
void splice(const_iterator pos, List &&other, const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
Transfers elements from another list to this list.
usize remove(const value_type &value)
Removes all elements that are equal to value.
usize remove_if(_UnaryPredicate p)
Removes all elements for which the specified predicate returns
. -
Reverses the order of the elements in the list.
Removes all consecutive duplicate elements from the container.
usize unique(_BinaryPredicate p)
Removes all consecutive duplicate elements from the container.
Sorts elements in ascending order.
Sorts elements in using the user-specified comparison function object.
List< _Ty, _Alloc >::allocator_type get_allocator() const
Gets the allocator of the list.