
template <typename _Compare>
void merge(List &other, _Compare comp)

Merges another list into this list.

No memory allocation or element copy/move will be performed, this function transfers elements by changing their pointers directly so that they link to the new list. Elements are compared using the user-specified comparison function object.


  • in other

    The list to merge. This list will be empty after this operation. If this is equal to *this, this function does nothing.

  • in comp

    The comparison function object to use.

Valid Usage

  • comp must provide the following function: bool operator()(const _Ty& a, const _Ty& b), that returns true if a should appear in the list before b.

  • Elements in *this and other must be sorted in an order defined by the user-specified comparison function, that is, for any two elements a and b in the same list, comp(b, a) must return false if a appears before b.