
Represents one self-indexed unordered map whose key can be extracted from the value, so that it does not need to be stored.

template <typename _Kty, typename _Ty, typename _ExtractKey, typename _Hash, typename _KeyEqual, typename _Alloc>
class Luna::SelfIndexedUnorderedMap

For every value type that the user want to use for self indexed unordered map, the user must define one special structure called "key extractor", and passes the type as the _ExtractKey template argument for the map. In this structure, one operator function const _Kty& operator()(const _Ty& p) const (or _Kty operator()(const _Ty& p) const if the key is computed from value) must be defined to fetch the key of the value.

The user must ensure that the key data member is not changed after the element is inserted to the map and before the element is removed from the map, or the behavior is undefined.

Member functions