
enum ControllerButton : u32
    lthumb= 0x0001
    rthumb= 0x0002
    up= 0x0004
    down= 0x0008
    left= 0x0010
    right= 0x0020
    a= 0x0040
    b= 0x0080
    x= 0x0100
    y= 0x0200
    lb= 0x0400
    rb= 0x0800
    lt= 0x1000
    rt= 0x2000
    lspecial= 0x4000
    rspecial= 0x8000

Specifies controller buttons. These values can be bitwise-OR combined to select multiple mouse buttons if needed.


  • lthumb

    Left thumb button.

  • rthumb

    Right thumb button.

  • up

    Up button.

  • down

    Down button.

  • left

    Left button.

  • right

    Right button.

  • a

    A button on XBOX and Nintendo controller, cross (X) button on PS controller.

  • b

    B button on XBOX and Nintendo controller, circle (O) button on PS controller.

  • x

    X button on XBOX and Nintendo controller, square button on PS controller.

  • y

    Y button on XBOX and Nintendo controller, triangle button on PS controller.

  • lb

    Left shoulder button. LB for XBOX controller, L for Nintendo controller, L1 for PS controller.

  • rb

    Right shoulder button. RB for XBOX controller, R for Nintendo controller, R1 for PS controller.

  • lt

    Left trigger button. LT for XBOX controller, ZL for Nintendo controller, L2 for PS controller.

  • rt

    Right trigger button. RT for XBOX controller, ZR for Nintendo controller, R2 for PS controller.

  • lspecial

    Left special button.

  • rspecial

    Right special button.