
enum TextureUsageFlag : u16
    copy_source= 0x01
    copy_dest= 0x02
    read_texture= 0x04
    read_write_texture= 0x08
    color_attachment= 0x10
    depth_stencil_attachment= 0x20
    resolve_attachment= 0x40
    cube= 0x80

Specifies possible usages of one texture resource.


  • copy_source

    Allows this texture to be bound as copy source.

  • copy_dest

    Allows this texture to be bound as copy destination.

  • read_texture

    Allows this texture to be bound to a read texture view.

  • read_write_texture

    Allows this texture to be bound to a read-write texture view.

  • color_attachment

    Allows this texture to be bound as color attachment.

  • depth_stencil_attachment

    Allows this texture to be bound as depth stencil attachment.

  • resolve_attachment

    Allows this texture to be bound to a resolve attachment.

  • cube

    Allows this texture to be bound as a texture cube view.