enum BufferUsageFlag : u16
copy_source= 0x01
copy_dest= 0x02
uniform_buffer= 0x04
read_buffer= 0x08
read_write_buffer= 0x10
vertex_buffer= 0x20
index_buffer= 0x40
indirect_buffer= 0x80
Specifies possible usages for one IBuffer object.
Allows this resource to be bound as copy source.
Allows this resource to be bound as copy destination.
Allows this resource to be bound to a uniform buffer view.
Allows this resource to be bound to a read buffer view.
Allows this resource to be bound to a read-write buffer view.
Allows this resource to be bound as a vertex buffer.
Allows this resource to be bound as a index buffer.
Allows this resource to be bound as a buffer providing indirect draw arguments.