
void * memalloc(usize size, usize alignment=0)

Allocates heap memory.


  • in size

    The size, in bytes, of the memory block to allocate. If this is 0, no memory will be allocated.

  • in alignment

    Optional. The alignment requirement, in bytes, of the memory block to allocate. Default is 0.

If this is 0 (default), then the memory is allocated with no additional alignment requirement. In such case, the memory address is aligned to 8 bytes in 32-bit platform, and 16 bytes in 64-bit platform.

Return value

Returns one pointer to the allocated memory block. Returns nullptr if memory allocation failed or if size is 0.

Valid Usage

  • If alignment is not 0, alignmentmust be powers of 2 (like 32, 64, 128, 256, etc).