Render Hardware Interface (RHI) module provides uniform API to use platform's graphcis hardware (GPU) to accelerate rendering and parallel computing tasks.
Represents a physical graphics device installed on the platform.
Describes one IBuffer object.
Represents one buffer resource that can be used to contain arbitrary binary data.
Describes one texture barrier.
Describes one buffer barrier.
Describes one viewport used by ICommandBuffer::set_viewport and ICommandBuffer::set_viewports.
Describes one color attachment when beginning a render pass.
Describes one depth stencil attachment when beginning a render pass.
Describes one resolve attachment when beginning a render pass.
Describes one render pass.
Describes one compute pass.
Describes one copy pass.
Describes one vertex buffer view when binding one vertex buffer to the render pipeline.
Describes one index buffer view when binding one index buffer to the render pipeline.
Used to allocate memory for commands, record commands, submitting commands to GPU and tracks the state of the submitted commands.
Describes one buffer view in descriptor set.
Describes one texture view in descriptor set.
Describes one sampler in descriptor set.
Describes one descriptor set.
Describes one descriptor set write operation. Every descriptor set write operation may update one continuous range of descriptors in the same binding slot.
Describes which views and samples are bound to the pipeline. This can be set at any time before the draw call or dispatch call is submitted.
Describes one binding in one descriptor set.
Specifies one descriptor set layout.
Represents one descriptor set layout that can be used to create descriptor sets and pipeline layouts.
Represents the device feature check result.
Describes one command queue.
Represents one logical graphic device on the platform.
Represents one object that is created by IDevice and is only available in the device context.
Represents one allocated device memory.
Represents a synchronization object that can be used to synchronize commands executed in different command queues.
Describes one pipeline layout.
Describes how shader parameters are accessed by every shader in the pipeline.
Specify one shader data.
Describes pipeline configurations of one compute pipeline.
Describes one attribute in the input layout.
Describes one input buffer binding.
Describes the vertex input layout for the graphics pipeline.
Describes the blending configurations for one attachment.
Describes blending configurations for one graphics pipeline.
Describes rasterizer configurations for one graphics pipeline.
Describes the depth stencil operation.
Describes depth stencil stage configurations of one graphics pipeline.
Describes pipeline configurations of one compute pipeline.
Represents one pipeline state object that stores pipeline configurations that can be applied to one pipeline in one call.
Specifies one query in pipeline statistics query heap.
Describes one query heap.
Contains one array of query elements that can be used to query pipeline execution information, such as pixel occlusion, execution time and pipeline statistics.
Specifies the index pair of one subresource in one texture resource.
Represents a memory region that can be accessed by GPU.
Describes one swap chain.
Represents one swap chain used for presenting images to the screen.
Describes one texture resource.
Describes one pair of depth and stencil values used for clearing depth stencil attachments.
Describes one clear value used to specify optimized clear value for texture resources.
Represents one texture resource that can be used to contain pixel data of certain format.
Specifies one resource data copy operation.
Specifies possible usages for one IBuffer object.
Specifies additional flags for one buffer or texture barrier.
Specifies buffer resource states before and after one barrier.
Specifies texture resource states before and after one barrier.
The operation to perform when the attachment is loaded to GPU.
The operation to perform when the render texture is written back to resource memory.
Specifies the occlusion query working mode.
Specifies the filtering mode for samplers.
Specifies the texture address mode for samplers when the sample position does not fall in range [0, 1].
Specifies the border color to use if texture address mode is TextureAddressMode::border.
Specifies the type of descriptors that can be placed in a descriptor set.
Specifies the texture view type, which is how render pipeline interprets texture data.
Specifies which shader can access descriptors in the specified binding.
Specifies additional flags for one descriptor set layout.
Specifies device features that can be queried at run time.
Specifies command queue types.
Specifies additional flags for command queues.
Specify the memory type. See remarks for details.
Describes attributes of one pipeline layout object.
Specify shader data format.
The input rate for one input attribute (per vertex or per instance).
Specifies the blend factor used for blending.
Specifies the blend operation.
Identifies which components of each pixel of a attachment are writable during blending.
Describes triangle fill mode of the rasterizer.
Describes cull mode of the rasterizer.
Specifies the stencil operation to perform when stencil test passed or failed.
Specifies the compare function used for comparison.
The value used to finish an existing line or triangle strip and start a new one when GraphicsPipelineStateDesc::primitive_topology is set to PrimitiveTopology::line_strip or PrimitiveTopology::triangle_strip.
Specifies the primitive type for the graphics pipeline to draw.
Specifies query type.
Specifies additional flags for one resource.
Lists supported RHI backends (implementation APIs).
Describes data formats for vertices and pixels in RHI.
Specifies the texture type.
Specifies possible usages of one texture resource.
Specifies the clear value type used.
Specifies the type of one resource data copy operation.
A special number that selects all subresources of one resource for one barrier operation.
A special number that identifies the query operation is disabled.
Vector< Ref< IAdapter > > get_adapters()
Gets a list of adapters installed on the platform.
R< Ref< IDevice > > new_device(IAdapter *adapter)
Creates one device using the specified adapter.
Gets the main device of the platform.
BackendType get_backend_type()
Gets the backend type.
ShaderCompiler::TargetFormat get_current_platform_shader_target_format()
Gets the desired shader compile target format that can be used for the current graphics API.
Gets one ShaderData structure that referrs the specified compile result.
properties of ComputePipelineStateDesc using shader compile results. -
usize bits_per_pixel(Format format)
Gets the size of one pixel in the specified format, in bits.
RV copy_resource_data(ICommandBuffer *command_buffer, Span< const CopyResourceData > copies)
Copies data between host memory and resource memory.