Color operations
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 antique_white()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 blanched_almond()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 blue_violet()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 cornflower_blue()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_golden_rod()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_magenta()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_olive_green()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_orange()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_orchid()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_salmon()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_sea_green()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_slate_blue()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_slate_gray()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_turquoise()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dark_violet()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 deep_sky_blue()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 dodger_blue()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 floral_white()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 forest_green()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 ghost_white()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 green_yellow()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 lavender_blush()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 lemon_chiffon()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 light_coral()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 light_golden_rod_yellow()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 light_green()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 light_salmon()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 light_sea_green()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 light_sky_blue()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 light_slate_gray()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 light_steel_blue()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 light_yellow()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 medium_aqua_marine()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 medium_blue()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 medium_orchid()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 medium_purple()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 medium_sea_green()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 medium_slate_blue()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 medium_spring_green()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 medium_turquoise()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 medium_violet_red()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 midnight_blue()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 navajo_white()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 pale_golden_rod()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 pale_turquoise()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 pale_violet_red()
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 papaya_whip()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 powder_blue()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 saddle_brown()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 sandy_brown()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 spring_green()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 white_smoke()
Predefined color.
Predefined color.
constexpr Float4 yellow_green()
Predefined color.
constexpr u32 to_rgba8(const Float4 &color)
Converts one Float4 linear color value to one 32-bit color value. Every color component takes 8 bits, and is arranged in RGBA order (R in least significant 8 bits, A in most significant 8 bits).
constexpr u32 to_argb8(const Float4 &color)
Converts one Float4 linear color value to one 32-bit color value. Every color component takes 8 bits, and is arranged in ARGB order (A in least significant 8 bits, B in most significant 8 bits).
constexpr u32 to_abgr8(const Float4 &color)
Converts one Float4 linear color value to one 32-bit color value. Every color component takes 8 bits, and is arranged in ABGR order (A in least significant 8 bits, R in most significant 8 bits).
constexpr u32 to_bgra8(const Float4 &color)
Converts one Float4 linear color value to one 32-bit color value. Every color component takes 8 bits, and is arranged in BGRA order (B in least significant 8 bits, A in most significant 8 bits).
constexpr Float4 from_rgba8(u32 color)
Converts one 32-bit color value to one Float4 linear color. The source color is interpreted in RGBA order (R in least significant 8 bits, A in most significant 8 bits).
constexpr Float4 from_argb8(u32 color)
Converts one 32-bit color value to one Float4 linear color. The source color is interpreted in ARGB order (A in least significant 8 bits, B in most significant 8 bits).
constexpr Float4 from_abgr8(u32 color)
Converts one 32-bit color value to one Float4 linear color. The source color is interpreted in ABGR order (A in least significant 8 bits, R in most significant 8 bits).
constexpr Float4 from_bgra8(u32 color)
Converts one 32-bit color value to one Float4 linear color. The source color is interpreted in BGRA order (B in least significant 8 bits, A in most significant 8 bits).
Float4 adjust_saturation(const Float4 &color, f32 sat)
Adjusts color saturation.
Float4 adjust_contrast(const Float4 &color, f32 contrast)
Adjusts color contrast.
Float4 negate(const Float4 &color)
Inverts a color value.