Describes pipeline configurations of one compute pipeline.
struct Luna::RHI::GraphicsPipelineStateDesc
Member objects
The input layout configurations.
IPipelineLayout* pipeline_layout
The compatible pipeline layout configurations.
The vertex shader data.
The pixel shader data.
RasterizerDesc rasterizer_state
The rasterizer configurations.
DepthStencilDesc depth_stencil_state
The configurations of depth stencil stage.
The configurations of blend stage.
IndexBufferStripCutValue ib_strip_cut_value
The index buffer strip cut value. This must match the format of the index buffer, see IndexBufferStripCutValue for details.
PrimitiveTopology primitive_topology
The primitive topology of primitives to be drawn.
The number of attachments that can be set. This must be a value between [
]. -
The color attachment formats. Only [
) elements in this array will be used, other elements will be ignored. -
The depth stencil attachment format. This must be Format::unknown if depth stencil attachment is not used.
Specify the sample count. This must be
if MSAA is not used.