Represents one logical graphic device on the platform.
interface Luna::RHI::IDevice : public virtual Interface
Base type
Member functions
virtual DeviceFeatureData check_feature(DeviceFeature feature)=0
Checks device feature.
Gets the texture data placement information when storing texture data in a buffer. The texture data is arranged in row-major order.
virtual R< Ref< IBuffer > > new_buffer(MemoryType memory_type, const BufferDesc &desc)=0
Creates one new buffer resource and allocates device memory for the resource.
Creates one new texture resource and allocates device memory for the resource.
Checks whether the given resources can share the same device memory.
Allocates device memory that is capable of storing resources specified.
Creates one aliasing buffer that shares the same device memory with the existing resource.
Creates one aliasing texture that shares the same device memory with the existing resource.
virtual R< Ref< IPipelineLayout > > new_pipeline_layout(const PipelineLayoutDesc &desc)=0
Creates one new pipeline layout.
Creates one new graphic pipeline state.
Creates one compute pipeline state.
Creates one new descriptor set layout object that can be used to create descriptor sets.
virtual R< Ref< IDescriptorSet > > new_descriptor_set(const DescriptorSetDesc &desc)=0
Creates one new descriptor set object that describes resources that are bound to the pipeline.
virtual u32 get_num_command_queues()=0
Gets the number of command queues of the device.
virtual CommandQueueDesc get_command_queue_desc(u32 command_queue_index)=0
Gets the command queue descriptor of the specified command queue.
virtual R< Ref< ICommandBuffer > > new_command_buffer(u32 command_queue_index)=0
Creates one command buffer.
virtual R< f64 > get_command_queue_timestamp_frequency(u32 command_queue_index)=0
Gets the GPU timestamp frequency of the specified command queue. The timestamp frequency is measured in ticks per second.
virtual R< Ref< IQueryHeap > > new_query_heap(const QueryHeapDesc &desc)=0
Creates one new query heap that can be used to store GPU query result.
virtual R< Ref< IFence > > new_fence()=0
Creates one new fence that can be used to synchronize execution of multiple command buffers.
Creates one swap chain and binds it to the specified window.